KCDA: Korumburra Community Development Association Inc.
Our ‘Reason for Being’ is:
We focus on the people of the Korumburra community – ensuring our community members ‘feel’ united, welcomed and connected.
Our Goals are:
1. We strive to keep the Korumburra community connected
2. We encourage enjoyment and pride in our township
3. We actively welcome people into the community and support them to feel connected
4. We encourage and support collaboration to achieve community aims
Our main activities include:-
the production of the Burra Flyer in partnership with the Like minds class at Korumburra Secondary College.
the management of the KCDA meeting rooms at 3 Radovick Street. The rooms are used by community groups for activities and meetings. Please contact us if you would like some more information about booking the room.
providing Welcome Kits to new residents via local real estate agents, the Post Office, Myli Library and Milpara House
We partner with Korumburra Staying Strong to provide this website to the Korumburra Community
Volunteering Opportunitities
We are currently looking to fill the following volunteering roles:
Burra Flyer Advertising Coordinator
Social Media Coordinator
Co-editor - Burra Flyer
Assistant Treasurer - Accounting Support
Please contact secretary.kcda3950@gmail.com for more information about these volunteering opportunities.
Contact: Secretary
Email: secretary.kcda3950@gmail.com