Upcoming events.

Pasta & Trivia Night @ The Italian Club
Pasta night is back at the Korumburra Italian Social Club - now with trivia and games!

Southern Lights Festival
Southern Lights Festival is back for 2025! Korumburra’s famous mid winter festival returns.
Only 2500 tickets available and on sale now!

General Garden Care Workshop - Grow Lightly
2 EVENTS in March, hosted by Grow Lightly and presented by our fabulous growers Julie in Dumbalk and Meredith in Arawata. You can choose to attend either 1 or both.

Offical opening - New Footy & Netball Club Changerooms
Just in time for the new season - the revamped change rooms for Korumburra Bena Football & Netball Club are ready to be officially opened

Korumburra Working Horse & Tractor Rally
The 2025 Korumburra Working Horse & Tractor Rally will be held in late March.
Everything you need to know about fencing: a free workshop
Everything you need to know about fencing in this practical free workshop next month!

South Gippsland Garlic Festival
The South Gippsland Garlic Festival (formerly the Meeniyan Garlic Festival) is Victoria’s biggest celebration of Australian garlic!
Calling all whistleblowers! Discover the art of umpiring
Ever thought about becoming an AFL umpire? Here’s a great opportunity to learn more about the great game and the way it is officiated.

Korumburra Be Prepared. Let's create a Resilient Korumburra
One year ago, we woke to the aftermath of a destructive storm cell.
Let’s be prepared - come along and find out how we can all get ready!

Winter Seed Sowing - Grow Lightly
2 EVENTS in March, hosted by Grow Lightly and presented by our fabulous growers Julie in Dumbalk and Meredith in Arawata. You can choose to attend either 1 or both.

Russell Broadbent meeting to discuss Senior Citizens Club eviction
Share your concerns with the Independent MP for Monash, Russell Broadbent

Get Rhythm - A tribute to Johnny Cash & June Carter
Don’t miss out on the Tribute to Johnny Cash & June Carter coming to our very own Italian Club mid February

Saturday at the 2025 Korumburra Show
Saturday, February 8 is shaping up as a fantastic day for all the family at the annual Korumburra Show. Hope to see you all there!

Korumburra Stamp Club annual fair 2025
Stamp collectors … your big day is coming up soon.
Please join the Korumburra Stamp Club at their annual affair in February!

Monster Trucks Display at the Korumburra Show
One of the highlights of this year’s annual show will be the Monster Trucks Display. Bring and the kids and buckle in for high-octane entertainment.

Friday night special for the Korumburra Show
For the first time in the event’s history the Korumburra Show will feature a Friday night event, with all your favourite show events now spread across two days.

Felted Dreams and Out of the Box
Visit Coal Creek from Friday, February 7 for two fantastic events in our community.
Celebrating Australia Day at Coleman Park
Look no further if you are interested in celebrating Australia Day here in beautiful Korumburra!

Gippsland Pride Festival
Help us celebrate five years of pride at Coal Creek in this annual event!

Family-friendly and free: movie day at the library
Come to Korumburra Library to see a family friendly film.
Zoom starring Tim Allen.
Based on the children's book "Amazing Adventures from Zoom's Academy" by Jason Lethcoe.

The longest day: golfing for the Cancer Council
The Longest Day - Cancer Council Fundraiser will be held at Korumburra Golf Club on January 19, 2025.

Super Hero Fridge Magnets at Korumburra Library
Looking for some fun stuff for the kids to do early in the new year? Check out this event listed at the Korumburra Library.

New Year's Eve on The Hill
Call all music lovers New Year’s on The Hill is back again in Loch. Tickets always go quickly so here’s your chance to get in early.

Korumburra Christmas Carols in the Park
Join the Korumburra community for its annual Christmas celebration: Carols in the Park.

Korumburra Show Funding Christmas Market
Come join in the fun of this annual fundraiser for the Korumburra Show, Great daytime event with a visit from Santa among the day’s many activities!
Late night Christmas Shopping in the Burra
Don’t leave it till the last minute to complete your Xmas shopping. Support your local businesses with a late-night shopping experience in Korumburra!

Beggs2Differ Italian Christmas Dinner
A great night for all the family, beautiful pizza and dessert, friendships, fun and some great music for everyone to enjoy!

Coal Creek Farmers Market
Come down and enjoy & buy produce grown and made in South Gippsland.
From 8.30 am to 12.30 pm on the second Saturday of the month.
Conveniently located at the carpark at Coal Creek

Santa at the Korumburra Golf Club
The big red jolly man is making his annual visit to Korumburra Golf Club and the whole community is invited. Please see the details and join in the fun!

Jumbunna Bush Market
Jumbunna Bush Market - every first Sunday of the month - see the flyer for more details

Friends of Coal Creek Open Gardens
Spring has sprung and it’s time to check out some of the most beautiful gardens in our community. Join us on Saturday, November 20, and Sunday, December 1, for all the inspiration you need.