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Korumburra Be Prepared. Let's create a Resilient Korumburra

Let's create a Resilient Korumburra!

One year ago in February 2024, we experienced the aftermath of a destructive storm cell.

  • No electricity, no mobile phone reception, power lines down, roads blocked and even our schools had to close.

  • Days, and for some over a week, without power, physical and emotional isolation was experienced by many.

We came together as a community and reflected on what went well and what we could do better.

Now, Korumburra Staying Strong along with FRRR-Australia and the South Gippsland Shire Council are extending an invitation to all, to come together our event that will help us all take action.

Korumburra Be Prepared

Saturday 1 March 11am - 1pm

@ Korumburra Community Hub Grounds, Boston Place

  • Meet local emergency organisations;

    • CFA, Red Cross, SES, Salvation Army, Ambulance Victoria, Vic Police & AusNet

  • Learn how to develop an emergency plan right for you and your family

  • Learn how to get accurate information

  • Know how to prepare for emergencies

  • Provide feedback on the draft Korumburra Community Emergency Plan

Free food and Donuts along with children's activities - it’s a great opportunity to bring the family and meet our Emergency Services and say thanks to our volunteers.

1 March

Winter Seed Sowing - Grow Lightly

3 March

Calling all whistleblowers! Discover the art of umpiring